
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What You Don't Know About Autophilia

  I don't enjoy feeling like I'm better than everyone else. I didn't ask to be this way. There's no switch that I can flip to turn my conceit on or off. It's not something that anyone who has would wish upon their worst enemy. I struggle every day to do better, but all that anyone sees is what I'm not doing. I'm not this way because I want to be. I'm not doing it for attention, or trying to use it as an excuse. It's not an act, it's not a joke, it's a disease. Billions of Americans are forced to hide their condition each day, out of fear of being labeled, and the ignorance of society. We try to act like we're just ok, but we're not. Most people think it's a delusion,  or an over exaggeration, but it's real, and not enough people care. Conceited people shouldn't have to be ashamed of who they are. They need support and encouragement just like anyone else with an illness. Maybe before you judge someone feeling superior, you should remind yourself of your own flaws. You're not perfect. I don't want to be perfect either. I'm better than that. I deserve to be honest about who I am, and what I've overcome. No one deserves to be embarrassed for the gifts that god gave them. I want to be treated like a normal human being. I might have a disease, but that won't stop me from loving myself. I'm not afraid to post this, even though most of you won't understand. Share this on your newsfeed if you believe that no one should have to hide behind a mask of humility. "Like" if you stand up for those who are seen as less than they really are. Read this aloud if you would help someone see their own reflection in your eyes. Let's make this viral, and show anyone who's feeling singled out right now that they are not alone! I'm asking everyone to do this, I know only my real friends will..


  1. I'm not entirely sure how to process this information. Paranoia is loneliness inside out - is conceit the reversal of inconsolable misery?
